Curating and personalising support.
With 1 in 2 Australian’s living with a chronic illness, Stitch is an online portal that curates and personalises support resources for people living with chronic illnesses. With thousands of resources out there, Stitch brings all these resources straight to those that need them most, along with peer review features to ensure a successful experience.
With 1 in 2 Australian’s living with a chronic illness, Stitch is an online portal that curates and personalises support resources for people living with chronic illnesses. With thousands of resources out there, Stitch brings all these resources straight to those that need them most, along with peer review features to ensure a successful experience.
Re-thinking med-tech.
Passionate about shifting the medical system to a more patient-centric approach, Stitch seeks to utilise the ability of search engines to bring users the support they need quickly and in a way that it is catered to their personal needs and desires. With the launch of our landing page you can register your interest at stitchhub.org.
Passionate about shifting the medical system to a more patient-centric approach, Stitch seeks to utilise the ability of search engines to bring users the support they need quickly and in a way that it is catered to their personal needs and desires. With the launch of our landing page you can register your interest at stitchhub.org.
Solving the real problem.
The team behind Stitch have utilised their skills in design and systems thinking to rethink a system and re-imagine how it can better cater for those with chronic illnesses. With many pivots along the way, the team's passion has allowed them to develop rapidly and receive great interest from partners future investors. For example, each team member chose to 'live with Type 1 Diabetes', needles and all, to better understand the experience of those they were seeking to help. You can read more about the team's journey and process here.
The team behind Stitch have utilised their skills in design and systems thinking to rethink a system and re-imagine how it can better cater for those with chronic illnesses. With many pivots along the way, the team's passion has allowed them to develop rapidly and receive great interest from partners future investors. For example, each team member chose to 'live with Type 1 Diabetes', needles and all, to better understand the experience of those they were seeking to help. You can read more about the team's journey and process here.

A different approach.
In the world of start-ups, it's not uncommon for projects to reach roadblocks and fail to take off. The team behind Stitch have taken a proactive approach to making use of the varying disciplinary backgrounds; graphic design, media and production, business and public communications, to remain at the forefront of this industry. Drawing upon these varied backgrounds, the team has tackled this problem from a system based approach and with a unique outlook, to overcome hurdles and be resilient in the start-up's progress.
In the world of start-ups, it's not uncommon for projects to reach roadblocks and fail to take off. The team behind Stitch have taken a proactive approach to making use of the varying disciplinary backgrounds; graphic design, media and production, business and public communications, to remain at the forefront of this industry. Drawing upon these varied backgrounds, the team has tackled this problem from a system based approach and with a unique outlook, to overcome hurdles and be resilient in the start-up's progress.